
Restorative Dentistry

Composite Fillings

Composite resins, or tooth-colored fillings, provide good durability and resistance to fractures.

Fillings are done to remove decay (cavity), and replace the affected tooth structure.If not treated decay can lead to tooth pain and/or infection.  Dr. Amin and Dr. Assar place only composite resins, or tooth- colored fillings, because they provide good durability and resistance to fractures without any metal or other chemicals that make up the amalgam (silver filling) material.

Crown and bridge

Crowns are full coverage restorations that are used to cover a tooth that is likely to break, or is too broken down to be restored with a filling. They are most commonly done after root canal treatment, or when a large filling wears out. The larger the hole made by a cavity that has to be treated, the more likely a crown will be needed

Bridgeis anoption for filling the space created by a missing tooth. It is formed to look like the missing tooth, and it takes its place in the mouth. The sides of a bridge use the two surrounding teeth for support, hence the name. A bridge replaces the missing tooth, both functionally and cosmetically.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp (soft tissue inside your teeth containing blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue) becomes inflamed or diseased. During root canal treatment, Dr. Amin removes the diseased pulp. The pulp chamber and root canal(s) of the tooth are then cleaned and sealed.

Causes of an infected pulp could include:

a deep cavity

    repeated dental procedures

    a cracked or broken tooth

    injury to the tooth (even if there’s not a visible crack or chip)

Dentures and Partial Dentures

There are different types of dentures, but they share their common function. They replace teeth that have become loose or been lost due to bone loss. When bone loss around the roots of teeth is great enough to loosen them or let them fall out, it's time for dentures.

When you lose all of your teeth, facial muscles can sag, making you look older. Dentures can help fill out the appearance of your face and profile. They can be made to closely resemble your natural teeth so that your appearance does not change much. Dentures may even improve the look of your smile.

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